
The Role of the Territorial Border Understanding in The Formation of Perception Towards Immigrants


This article focuses on how and in what ways the understanding of the nation-state border affects social perceptions and attitudes towards immigrants in the destination country and how it shapes the mindset of the national community. Modern territorial borders, which were accepted by the Westphalian treaty and then spread to the whole world, became very important symbols pointing to the image and control power of the state. In addition, it should be noted that the border is a functional ideological device in defining national identity, “us” and “other”, “friend” and “enemy”. Accordingly, the border points to difference, belonging, order and trust not only for the nation-state but also for the community it has built, and offers a perspective against foreigners and immigrants. In this sense, it can be said that while the territorial boundary is physically fixed somewhere, the idea of the territorial boundary manifests itself almost everywhere in the national space or homeland. Therefore, immigrants are exposed to various stereotypes, stigmatization and discrimination due to the “border glasses” view of the native. This shows us that the border can be not only in the border region, but in every part of the national territory.


territorial borders immigrant social perception stigma