
The Phenomenon of Acceleration with Regard to Communication Tools: A Dromological Analysis of the Telegraph and Twitter


Due to how technology enables experiencing and comprehending the last centuries of the world in a certain way, abstracting it from the social sphere is not possible. Considering the assumption that the interactions between society and technology increase daily creates an inevitable situation where social processes and phenomena are handled on the basis of technology. For this reason, the study discusses the phenomenon of speed in the contexts of the telegraph and Twitter and subjects this phenomenon to a technological determinist reading along the axis of dromology as conceptualized by Paul Virilio. Speed is explained in the context of the cause-and-effect relationship regarding how and the extent to which the tools that are chosen primarily accelerate life during the periods in which they are used. While explaining the context of this causality, the study also examines how form replaces content. In addition, the article claims that an ideological partnership between telegram and Twitter that exceeds the entire historical context can be established along the axis of speed. This article considers the phenomenon of speed as a natural consequence of technological determinism according to Virilio; the study also carries out a qualitative comparative historical analysis within the limits of Virilio’s concept of dromology and technological determinism. Within the framework of all these analyses and examinations, the study claims speed to determine daily life through communication tools, to make content fluid, and to trivialize geography.


Speed Dromology Paul Virilio Technological Determinism Telegraph Twitter