
Evlilik Göçüyle Ankara’ya Gelen Yabancı Gelinlerin Türkçeyle İlişkileri*


In this article, the subject of migration, which has many pillars, has been approached in terms of the relationship between migration and language. In the context of the relationship between migration and language, the Turkish learning processes and cultural interactions experienced by foreign brides who came to Ankara with marriage migration from various countries after migration were examined. For this reason, the interview technique was applied to 9 participants aged between 32 and 39 who came from Morocco, Russia, Ukraine, Indonesia, Romania, Albania and Azerbaijan by voluntary marriage immigration, and audio recordings were taken from the participants, and these voice recordings were transcribed and transcribed. The answers given by the participants to the previously determined questions asked to each participant were categorized within themselves and common items were found, and then they were shown and interpreted with tables. In the study, the questions were diversified over three main headings. In the first title, the process of the participants directly in Turkish; in the second title, the effect of the environment on the development of Turkish and in the last chapter, their communication with their spouse and children in their Turkish development were discussed. As a result of the study, it was seen that these women who came with voluntary marriage immigration tried to learn Turkish either by themselves or by taking private courses/ lessons without any government support. Except for one participant, it has been determined that since the other participants are not active in business life, their language learning is limited to their spouse, family and close friends, and they stay away from working life mainly because they cannot rely on their current Turkish levels, along with other reasons. As a result, it has been observed that these participants, who come from different cultures and mother tongues, cannot fully adapt to the society.


Migration marriage migration women’s migration cultural harmony teaching Turkish as a foreign language