
An Alternative Approach to the Arguments of Modernity: The Critique of the Modern Mind and the Traditional Thought


In this article, the intellectual background of the modern world’s problems is studied by comparing the modern paradigm with traditional thought. For this reason, the author will attempt to determine the the defects of the modern mind mainly from the point view of tratidional thought. Considering the main characteristics of the modern mind, global ecological and moral crises will be dealt with. This structural area will be followed through sociologic theories in the article. In order to provide an in-depth understanding, traditional (Islamic) conceptual instruments like the intellect/heart, self (nefs) and soul (ruh) are proposed here to be used in the critique of modernity instead of using Cartesian dualist concepts like the soul and body. Thus, this article attempts to overcome the Euro-centric and modernist based area of discussion in order to evaluate the background of the factual problems that accompany modernity. In this context, the method of structural research of the traditional thought/traditionalist school which looks at the modern world’s dilemmas from a rooted criticism seems to be better equipped to perform a better analysis of these problems.


Modernity Modern Mind Traditional Thought Islam Self (nefs) Intellect Reason