
From Philosophy to Politics: Heidegger’s Relationship with Nazizm


Martin Heidegger, undoubtedly is one of the most important and influential philosophers of the 20th century. He wrote Being and Time which is his masterpiece written in 1927 opened a new era in philosophy, thus this masterpiece has come up with the ontological and epistemological debates. Heidegger’s conception of philosophy has been debated for over fifty years as well as his policy and it is continued to be discussed. His being chosen as the rector of Freiburg University in 1933 is considered as the starting point for these discussions. His rectorship and serving information Führer, has been seen as anti-Semitic, supporter of Nazi and the ideologue of National Socialism. In addition, he is accused for his works, especially the Being and Time and sometimes Introduction to Metaphysics, which due to Heidegger’s effort for achieve epistemological construction of National Socialism and creating codes of ontologies political’s stance. Although Heidegger tried to answer to a portion of these attacks in an interview with Der Spiegel in last days of his life, he is still seen as a supporter of Hitler by a lot of his colleagues and his students. In this study, it will be discussed Heidegger’s relationship with Nazism in a critical way and it will be tried to study for finding the direction that Heidegger’s discourses on National ocialism in the post-Nazi of Germany.


Heidegger Onto-Political National Socialism Nazism Dasein