
Religion as “An Invention of the Western World”: Construction of the Concept of Religion in Modern West


Since the 19th century the concept of religion has been studied by using variety of metodologies in social sciences and religous studies but almost always regarded as a distinct category from all other human activities, natural and universal concept in essence. In recent years, this viewpoint has been critisized by a new perspective that religion is a kind of concept which was constructed, manufactured or invented by Western Christian world. This paper aims to deal with the history of the concept of religion in the light of thiscritical viewing. The change in the meaning which was atrributed to the concept in historical writings according to their context shall be worked through in chronological order. Furthermore, the equvalent concept shall be investigated in ancient civilazations. As we look at the history of the concept, it is observed that the concept has transformed dramatically through the time, drifting away from its original meaning. The main argument of this paper is that the concept of the religion, which is used and understood today as a notion exists in all cultures in all times through history, distinct from secular phenomena, essentially interior and private; is invented during modernization by Wester civilization. Neither in the pre-modern West nor in other ancient civilizations the equivalent concept didn’t exist.


Religion secular modern construction invention concept