
Connections with Plato’s Symposium and Dionysian Rituals within the Context of Imitating God’s Immortality


Longing for immortality is one of the most pronounced themes of the ancient religions. The theme of being immortal -like god- is found in Dionysian rituals, as a part of Dionysian religion. The worshippers of Dionysius believed that when they engaged in orgiastic rituals, the god entered into the revelers’ souls. In this way, they had the possibility of being immortal and becoming a god or becoming divine. Becoming immortal like the divine was not only an ontological transformation, but also an ethical ideal. Through the religious rituals, they believed that they became divine and an immortal (in a way) for a limited period. One of the main claims of my article is, the ideal
of becoming immortal/or god passed from religious rituals to philosophical arguments,
by transforming itself. I want to point out that Symposium’s physical atmosphere and main themes are related to Dionysian religious rites, at the context of the immortality.


Becoming like god enthoi desire for immortality Dionysius rituals Symposium